
Bollinger Band Breakout Strategy #Marketplace

226% strategy
698% buy&hold
31% percentage
of winning trades
4.04 reward to
risk ratio
2.15% average
position return
-38.40% drawdown

A long strategy created by TrendSpider on TrendSpider. Tested at Deep (7,000 candles) of KRAKEN:^BTCUSD, Daily.

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Chart type the strategy tested at: Candles. Market data: regular session. Trade by: open. Backtest results as of .

Entry Conditions

All of the following: # "Echo"
  D Chart Break Through D Bollinger Bands ® (20, 2, 2, 0, close), Up

Exit Conditions

Take Profit Exit if gained more than 15%.
Stop Loss Exit if lost more than 3%.